Practical Marketing Research

10. How to Present the Findings

(Textbook page 389)

This textbook unit discusses basic communications principles and approaches to report writing, presentations and workshops to ensure research findings are accessible, useable and shareable within the client organization.  

Deliverables can include: 

Structure of a Formal Research Report (P.391)

Deliverables should be in formats that can be used and circulated within the client organization with minimal changes – sometimes a delicate balance between the client’s style sheet and the supplier’s own branding.  Most reports should include:

Basic Principles of Communication (P.397)
Reproducible Research (P.415)

•    R Markdown and Jupyter Notebooks are Graphical User Interfaces that let you produce full text-based or slide-base reports based on interim data, and then automatically read and update the report when final data is available. 


Live Presentations: Principles (P.417)
How to Integrate the Findings: The Workshop (P.427)

To ensure the report doesn’t disappear into the archives, set up a workshop with exercises that help stakeholders apply the findings to the decisions they will have to make.  This section of the textbook unit offers tips to help a researcher organize and facilitate a workshop, an added step that elevates the research function and brings it into strategic discussions.